Thursday, August 30, 2007

hey guys, here's a poem i wrote. till the next time, take care.

A Conflicting Murmur

the morning star rises with dignity
stands with sublime majesty
an ear listening to a cacophony of harmony
unwilling to speak a word.

the human consicious constantly breeds its own ethos of disenchantment.

the afternoon sun shines down exuberance
sits on a burned epitaph
a mind meditates with grace and longing
engaging in a dance of sorrowful joy.

the human vision blurred by cheerful deceit.

the evening opens its wings
flys away into an endless labyrinth
the eyes staring into a dark vacant space
unable to accept some undeniable truths.

the human hand strays further as the soul draws nearer.

the midnight sky widens its gaze
spreads its vastness across the nostalgia
those hands trembling with inescapable chagrin
powerless in the face of longing and desire.

the human smile breathes happier in a tinge of bitter anguish,
embracing eternal flames in the disillusioned hope of a possible elation.

{ 11:38 pm }

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

hey guys im back from another day. after camp was dinner with the cousins, where we had nydc and dessert at magdalene's pastry. pictures would be uploaded tmr alright, but one things for sure im super duper full. =/

anyhow, i shall introduce all you guys to an interesting post-rock band called sigur ros, of which i base many of my delay and echo effects on. these guys are from iceland. cool stuff really. trying to emulate them now, so look out for my future recordings!

taken off their album i got, takk.. (thanks)

the lead guitarist plays his guitar with a bow from a cello lah. how cooool can that be.

atmospheric and very clever music that can draw out any emotion. you can close your eyes and feel the surreal nature of it all. excellent for those rainy days, after an emotionally charged encounter, when your in need of inspiration for song writing/poetry, and of cause when you just feel lonely or depressed.


quote from a webbie

" what language does jónsi sing in? on von, ágætis byrjun and takk (their albums) , jónsi (lead singer) sang most songs in icelandic but a few of the songs were sung in 'hopelandic'. all of the vocals are however in hopelandic. hopelandic (vonlenska in icelandic) is the 'invented language' in which jónsi sings before lyrics are written to the vocals. it's of course not an actual language by definition (no vocabulary, grammar, etc.), it's rather a form of gibberish vocals that fits to the music and acts as another instrument. jónsi likens it with what singers sometimes do when they've decided on the melody but haven't written the lyrics yet. many languages were considered to be used on , including english, but they decided on hopelandic. hopelandic (vonlenska) got its name from first song which jónsi sang it on, hope (von). tracks 7-9 on takk are in hopelandic. "

good stuff. here my favourite track. heartstopping really.

let it load completely and listen to it in full. breaks inbetween would prolly kill the mood it invokes. enjoy the dreamy icelandic sounds! (:

on another note, i guess its tough but im willing to give it a go. the hardest part is however whether there would even be a chance to try ?

a willingness to accept me as who i am and for what my intentions represent. its been awhile since i had such feelings. well till the nxt post, good night.

{ 12:21 am }

Monday, August 27, 2007

slowly, the feelings creep in, like a shadow of an unselfish sin.

It jolts you back into a sudden epiphany; perhaps you've found something worth fighting for.
Been having late nights recently, not outside but at home infront of the com. hahaha. its a good thing now going to camp usually means relaxing. goodness knows what would happen if the workload was like last time, probably crumble down into a heap of manure or something.

Been awhile since I wrote abit of prose. here's one me and a friend wrote one angry afternoon. and for the record, the real meaning isn't linked with anything academical. haha. enjoy the literary nonsense.

The Pupil

She was strolling to lecture as usual, holding her beloved geography book and her beloved pencil box. Then just outside the lecture theatre, she was filled with a sudden rush of defiance and she felt some unknown forces pulling her away with vehement and unparalled strength. She was bound to be on the losing side in this lopsided tug-of-war.

There was the student, sitting with legs up on the table, plugging into her own world with her music player, not realizing that a storm was brewing. Oh, definitely not a drizzle, it was a thunderstorm.

The geography teacher barged into her hiding place, demanded with tremendous fury to see the homework that he assigned. She foraged her bag, yet all he got to see was blank sheets, no, not blank, there were a few smiling faces drawn. Not a bad effort, I must say.

Out of the blue, she tossed her bag onto the floor, but unwittingly hit the teacher’s toes with it. He was impaled now; she was mobile, yet immobilized. Instead of escaping, she apologized profusely, her face filled with such great repentance even our lord and saviour would have forgave her sins.
The teacher forgave her, gave her a sincere pat on the back and said, “You are the model student”. She hastily added that the girls are as responsible too.

{ 10:52 pm }

Sunday, August 26, 2007

hey guys. back from a lengthy , okay. honestly it hasnt been a nice weekend. friday was spent at pasa lebar camp range, shooting my heart out. saturday was spent sleeping for sunday early morning, which was the AHM. talk abt sian-ness man.

but nevertheless, i still managed to take some pictures for all you fortunate people to see how running on the expressway in the early morning is. hahaha.

wee hours of the morning.. i was still awake enough to take some pictures haha.

and so it was the official kick off. haha.

many people were running their lungs out from the word go, but people like me took my time. no use wearing out at the end right!

and we were entering the highway..

running for the first time in the middle of the expressway!

and we're done. woo! what a work out.

the downside of such activities. look at the litter! it spans across the entire running route can. live earth anyone?

tmrs back to work. i hope i can get some off days man, bcos im an ORD-ing personnel already! (:

{ 10:35 pm }

Saturday, August 25, 2007

got back from Combat Shoot range at arnd 12. tired stiff, and nothing beats having two mosquito bites at strategic places. one on my thumb, one at my left hand knuckle. places you cant scratch properly. thanks alot commando mosquitos.

{ 1:54 am }

Thursday, August 23, 2007

hey guys. okay i lied about blogging much earlier but only because i was super busy. frankly its not the enjoyyourselffun busy ( well, most of the time at least) but yeah whats life without hassle and shit.

heres something i recorded. dont listen if you savour your hearing. hahaha.i suck but i want to share still. anyway this song is dedicated to cheryl. it may not be the best song but heres a song you like haha. i hope i didnt butcher the song too much with my personal touch. after what you've been through its tough for you i know and its okay if your busy and everything. glad to know you'd be okay and yeah i know your will cope well. okay enough said, bygones are bygones. you take care (:

sooooo here goes.

moving on,

had an eventful weekend, plus mondays till today had been quite alright. so here goes my long post!
so the picture journey begins with dinner with mel and bao at my house's market, after the Arsenal match last last sunday. hahaha long over due pictures but better late than never.

ate sting ray, carrot cake, kang kong and sotong topped of with sugar cane. hearty stuff.

okay moving onto the recent weekend. spent dinner alone on friday, thinking about issues. was also deliberating over lyrics and some song ideas. quality alone time if you may call it (i can hear resounding echoes of "loser" and "no life" hahahaha) ate macs btw, and it was... lardy.

a random picture i took. sorry actually im just trying fill in space lol.

on saturday, was supposed to play soccer. happily woke up, WAS EARLY FOR ONCE, reached clementi and started walking when the rain boomed down when i was inbetween the blocks. had to get desmond to fetch me, felt like i was reprising the damsel in distress role seriously! anyway head to the famous clementi western stall, Botak Jones. you should try it. check out the portion for $9.50 (i think). turkey sausage bun with cajun fries and fartilicious onions. went over to desmonds house and played winning eleven with him. good that hes BMT is ending soon. but i ORD in 5 months lah soooo. big fu... LOL k wont be so mean.

saturday. Caught the Bourne Ultimatum at westmall, the best shopping centre in the world. Solid show. after that raided Stan's car and took a spin around the west side area. spent hours screaming, shouting and hurling abuse at random people on the sidewalk. haha.

bao trying to look like the serial rapist at your lift door.

check out his oomphzii techno and brinking ah beng lights. Zeng my car manzz.

went to eat at macs (AGAIN).

and then proceeded to my place to catch the rest of the EPL games.

okay old picture. my old camp mates that have ORDed already.

okay back to the weekend. Sunday liquid kitchen, to catch the Manchester Derby. there was this irritating heckler. but he realised he couldnt handle our witty comebacks. heh.

bangers and mash at liquid kitchen, decent stuff! hahaha and i just realise i kept eating sausages. crap. im fat.

tues at vivo, met the cousins. dont really have much pictures on my phone. but here goes.

rey telling us how idiotic his warrant officer is. He is now at MDC (music and drama company) as a sound and events organising helper. cool stuff loh, any NSFs dream job. 9-5 working hours, the longest hair and be very in touch with music and events.

after which was Harry's. the guitarist was superb btw. nice gathering guys, something my late grandma would have been happy about.

OKAY so heres ends the long winded post. after so much food i feel super obese. hahaha. tmrs combat shoot, means my friday night is burned awayyyyyyyyyy. saturday night i have to book in for AHM on sunday morning. WAHLAO EH MY WEEKEND LAH!

alright cya.

{ 8:17 pm }

Monday, August 20, 2007

hey guys. had a looong weekend. quite enjoyable, catched The Bourne Ultimatum and Rush Hour 3. ate lotsa shit and did funny stuff. shall blog tmr, abit late now. tmr waking up at 6 to go camp. hahahaha. okay bye.

{ 1:07 am }

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Have you ever wanted to die when you were without your friends? Haven’t you said goodbye to the one on who your life depends? Could it be that I don’t want to save you anymore? Could it be that we don’t have what it takes? Have you ever wished for fire to burn away your mind's restraints? Haven’t you been for hire or suffered those cheap complaints? Could it be that I don’t want to save you anymore? Could it be that we don’t have what it takes? Take it away I don’t like this anymore , Take it away and throw it away.....I never found out how he survived - a life lived in lies is a life in denial .. I never found out how he would lie - with a smile on a face and the scratches he'd hide.

{ 2:01 am }

Thursday, August 16, 2007

hey guys. abt to go to sleep soon, quite sleepy.

spent the day not doing work for once but playing my friends Nintendo DS and watching stupid channel 5 re-runs.

the DS. Nifty thing really, compared to the PSP its not as capable but it hits back hard with its novelty and charm.

anyway wanna share this game i played on the DS. pretty fun and unique. hahaha was glued to it for almost the entire day! well the game is basically a simple one really. your a surgeon, you have to operate on patients. simple as that. by using the DS's touch screen you control scalpels laser guns bandages and xrays etc etc. hahaha the story gets abit far fetched and ludicrous as the game progresses (i.e your main character having superhuman powers that allows you to perform surgery Matrix-slowmo-style. )
but its good fun nonetheless. sometimes its quite challenging because your always trying to save your idiotic patients life (makes you wonder how on earth did he get glass bits in his pancreas!?) beat the clock and yet not make a mistake on your procedure. well here's some screenshots.

hahaha ok, enough of being the geek.
In the midst of composing a new song and i hope to find new band mates soon! i really want to perform. everytime when i see people perform in town or wherever i always tell my friends that could be me one day. when could that one day be man.
so many things and feelings that I'd like to share but like they say, ignorance is bliss.

{ 11:37 pm }

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

recycling some old stuff i wrote. being in the army has restricted my fluency a little nowadays, hard to write anything cohesive and correct unlike my jc days.

as the unforgiving knives drive in deeper,the human heart takes an awful
plunge, one that deeps down into solitude
and bends towards
an unforgiving bane of nostalgic hate.

the mind takes a step back into a lonely path
on a
winding road with stormy winds
and sunshine paths -laced with memories of sweetnothings
and bliss;
crumpled and folded
neatly with vengeful crises.

fists clenched,eyes closed,
the desire to forget becomes one with
the passion once cherished...
and the ambivalence of it all thrives
in agony and sweet delight.

She walks with head down on the
winding road,pauses, looks in chagrin at a lone tree..
he sits at a bar, wonders and indulges
in the purloined echoes
located in every bottom of a glass.

after all, a raging fire so bright,a frustrating pother so thick
can never find an end to its existence till it gets smothered..

the rain had never been so comforting.

sometimes i wish i could do a little more to save you from your struggles and plight but even if i did, you'd probably forget to thank me and move on with your life.

sometimes i wish i could be who you'd want, all the time. im tired. good night.

{ 1:46 am }

Sunday, August 12, 2007

so yes i know its been a damn looooooooong while since i blogged, after changing my blog skin thanks to budi. anyway, im here to re-enlighten everyone about the spectacular and wonderful events that happened ever since my battalion dinner. alright, so lets start with my birthday.

3rd aug. nth much really, few ppl did wish me. lets see, on the phone would be my family members, melvin, desmond, cheryl, budi. on friendster would be charlene and yiling. thats it, apart from the people in camp whom greeted me in a, ahem, quite civilised fashion. in the day i played soccer the entire day in camp, before proceeding to have a mini dinner with my company mates (as that day was also my companies cohesion day) yeah so i enjoyed the horrible food and proceeded home to eat with my family at some restuarant named barracks at demsey road. at night its super dark i tell u. uber. given that im short sighted and quite sleepy at night, i nearly fell off the road at one point of time but thats another embarassing story i would not discuss from this point onwards thank. the pictures taken have magically disappeared as someone in my family stole the digi cam.

so it was down to presents. my family gave me a white tshirt, a muse dvd, and a hp. nokia 6300. quite nice, for those who doesnt know what it looks like, go find it out yourself. haha.

so it was down to the national day week. on the 8th after camp i met cheryl to makan at newton where we shared mee pork and stingray. very fattening and sinful, and she made me eat most of the stingray. what urks me most is that i still felt hungry, extremely SUPER HUNGRY after i went home. shit. hahah. and she forgot to bring my present. you good.

okay national day.

singapore a city of possibilities, and lots of elitism, 7%++++++ GST and not to mention little government funded universities. and i dont understand why my area is clustered together and called the holland-bukitpanjang grc. we should have a seperate one. happy national day.

moving on, went out with mel on friday.

i look like im asleep. but no i have beady eyes.

went out to town to makan, walk and played lan. thats abt it.

the following day was spent at tiong bahru playing soccer with my pj buddies and pravin's elite gang. was initially taken aback by their skills and finesse but fitted in nicely in the end to play not so bad. didnt score though came close couple of times. in the end they didnt last that long and we dominated. managed to convince many people im now not a nobody when it comes to soccer.

bao looks gay and tsoon is obviously shagged out. haha.

proceeded to celebrate my sisters birthday at night, forsaking the first games of the EPL ARGH but okay lahh family first right.

went to esplanade and feasted in er, nosignboard seafood restuarant where we had

steamed prawns and cereal crayfish and the signature dish white pepper crab. cholesterol fats and many other unhealthy things all packed into one wholesome package.

before, after (my dad was unhappy cos i ate his share k not funny i didnt actually im not greedy.)

proceeded to raffles city to have coffee and dessert at a place. forgot the name. haha.

reached home, watched what was remaining of the EPL and played guitar till 330am.

>O yawn had to wake at 8 to have McDonald's breakfast before going to church. and no i didn't sleep during service thanks.

me and my sis being spastic.
and so my national day week has come to a conclusion. i just hope that september passes quickly because my store's Logistics Readiness Inspection is coming and i cant wait for it to pass.

6 more months to ORD!
alright promise more updates in the future, hope to get a gig soon! till den ciao.

{ 4:31 pm }

shawn ang
leo | 3rd august 87'
aspiring guitarist
avid arsenal fan
soccer fanatic
basket ball lover

the random shoutouts.

the friends.
04A06.. daphne.. isrin.. ah bao.. melvin.. sky.. cheryl.. ler.. sihua.. budi.. rozmail.. evon.. jon..

the past.
July 2004.. August 2004.. September 2004.. October 2004.. November 2004.. December 2004.. January 2005.. February 2005.. March 2005.. April 2005.. May 2005.. June 2005.. July 2005.. August 2005.. September 2005.. October 2005.. November 2005.. December 2005.. January 2006.. February 2006.. March 2006.. April 2006.. May 2006.. June 2006.. July 2006.. August 2006.. September 2006.. October 2006.. November 2006.. December 2006.. January 2007.. February 2007.. March 2007.. May 2007.. June 2007.. July 2007.. August 2007.. September 2007.. October 2007.. November 2007.. December 2007.. January 2008.. February 2008.. March 2008.. April 2008.. May 2008.. June 2008.. July 2008.. August 2008.. September 2008.. October 2008.. November 2008.. December 2008.. January 2009.. February 2009.. March 2009.. April 2009.. May 2009.. June 2009.. July 2009.. August 2009.. September 2009.. October 2009.. November 2009.. December 2009.. January 2010.. February 2010.. March 2010.. April 2010.. May 2010.. June 2010.. August 2010..

graphic designer: budi izkandar