Friday, January 19, 2007
tmr is a friday. woopee. WOOPEE and im still awake and i have to report to camp at like 645 tmr. applause for the late sleeper with eye bags the size of melons ? i've no idea why i sleep late, maybe because i think too much and stuff to sleep peacefully sometimes. shucks.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
time and tide waits for no man.
my previous post dates back to like 23rd, and im sitting here thinking, shit, its alrd 2007.
so ya i didnt blog about my christmas day events, what happened and what i did during new year and shit cos pretty much i did nothing. thats it, my life is dull, boring, safe. call it whatever you want, but its true, its becoming stale and seriously grey. altho christmas was special, well, slightly special.
25th dec was just like any other christmas, with the relatives all gathered and packed into a certain changi chalet near a commando camp. laughed, drank, ate and sang merrily like there was no tmr. played the guitar and sang crap songs, played cards and board games. basically my cousins and i enjoyed the company of each other, albeit the cold and clammy rainy weather. when people outside were partying their brains out, i was just sitting down and chilling out. not bad.
new years day was the same for me, except it meant only roughly one more year of service for me before i ord. i reflected on my failures, shortcomings and achievements. in retrospect, i still feel so inadequate and naked sometimes. if not for friends and family, i couldnt have pulled through many rough patches during 2006. well ya thats it for what happened during those two supposedly important dates.
looking at myself i wonder whether all my efforts have beenworthwhile. cant you show me some respect for a change ? i piss myself off sometimes just to impress and carry your ego. i wonder why i do what i do sometimes, but i've got no one else to blame.
its amazing how blinded i am, to think that i could have stood to gain something meaningful when all i learnt from you was my own shortcomings.